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About Us

Rhode Island Blood Center is RI's primary provider of life saving blood and blood products.

We provide blood throughout the state and regionally for patients being treated at leading hospitals.

We run six full time donation centers across Rhode Island

Numbers to be proud of

More Than a Blood Center

The Rhode Island Blood Center (RIBC) was founded in 1979 as a non-profit community blood center. For over 40 years, we have been the primary supplier of blood and blood products to patients being cared for in hospitals throughout Rhode Island and in neighboring states. Our mission is to help save lives by ensuring a safe and plentiful blood supply.

RIBC is much more than just a blood collection organization or blood center. We provide therapeutic treatments for patients in local hospitals, including therapeutic apheresis which involves removing abnormal components or cells from the blood and then returning the healthy cells back into the patient. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) histocompatibility red cell typing and immunogenics are provided by our New York Blood Center Enterprise state-of-the-art laboratories. We are also involved in a variety of local and national research programs in an effort to improve all aspects of the blood supply. 

RIBC has long-standing relationships with many organizations in the community who sponsor blood drives. These sponsors help inspire, educate and encourage the many volunteer blood donors needed to supply the blood and blood products that must be collected each day to meet the needs of patients and hospitals we serve in Rhode Island and throughout New England. 

The Rhode Island Blood Center is a member of the New York Blood Center Enterprises family.